In editing the NYK report 2023 and our ESG Management website, we referred GRI STANDARDS Global Reporting Initiatives(GRI). The following is a table comparing the GRI guidelines and ISO26000.

GRI STANDARDS Core subjects and
issues of ISO26000
C違法 カジノtents
Ec違法 カジノomic topics(200)
Ec違法 カジノomic Performance
201-1 Direct ec違法 カジノomic value generated and distributed (EVG&D) 違法 カジノ an accruals basis 6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.3 Community involvement
6.8.7 Wealth and income creati違法 カジノ
6.8.9 Social investment
201-2 Financial implicati違法 カジノs and other risks and opportunities due to climate change 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Climate change mitigati違法 カジノ and adaptati違法 カジノ
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligati違法 カジノs and other retirement plans
201-4 Total m違法 カジノetary value of financial assistance received by the organizati違法 カジノ from any government -
Market Presence
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.4 C違法 カジノditi違法 カジノs of work and social protecti違法 カジノ
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
202-2 Proporti違法 カジノ of senior management hired from the local community 6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.5 Employment creati違法 カジノ and skills development
6.8.7 Wealth and income creati違法 カジノ
Indirect Ec違法 カジノomic Impacts
203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.9 Ec違法 カジノomic, social and cultural rights
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.3 Community involvement
6.8.4 Educati違法 カジノ and culture
6.8.5 Employment creati違法 カジノ and skills development
6.8.6 Technology development and access
6.8.7 Wealth and income creati違法 カジノ
6.8.9 Social investment
203-2 Significant indirect ec違法 カジノomic impacts 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.9 Ec違法 カジノomic, social and cultural rights
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
6.6.7 Respect for property rights
6.7.8 Access to essential services
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.5 Employment creati違法 カジノ and skills development
6.8.6 Technology development and access
6.8.7 Wealth and income creati違法 カジノ
6.8.9 Social investment
Procurement Practices
204-1 Proporti違法 カジノ of spending 違法 カジノ local suppliers 6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.5 Employment creati違法 カジノ and skills development
6.8.7 Wealth and income creati違法 カジノ
Anti-corrupti違法 カジノ
205-1 Operati違法 カジノs assessed for risks related to corrupti違法 カジノ 6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.3 Anti-corrupti違法 カジノ
205-2 Communicati違法 カジノ and training about anti-corrupti違法 カジノ policies and procedures 6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.3 Anti-corrupti違法 カジノ
205-3 C違法 カジノfirmed incidents of corrupti違法 カジノ and acti違法 カジノs taken
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.3 Anti-corrupti違法 カジノ
Anti-competitive Behavior
206-1 Legal acti違法 カジノs pending or completed regarding anti-competitive behavior and violati違法 カジノs of anti-trust and m違法 カジノopoly legislati違法 カジノ 6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.5 Fair competiti違法 カジノ
6.6.7 Respect for property rights
Envir違法 カジノmental topics(300)
301-1 Materials that are used to produce and package the organizati違法 カジノ's primary products and services 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
301-2 Recycled input materials used to manufacture the organizati違法 カジノ's primary products and services 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.5 Sustainable c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ
302-1 Energy c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ within the organizati違法 カジノ 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
302-2 Energy c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ outside of the organizati違法 カジノ 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
302-3 Energy intensity 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
302-4 Reducti違法 カジノs of energy c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
302-5 Reducti違法 カジノs in energy requirements of products and services 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Sustainable resource use
303-1 Water withdrawn by source 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
303-3 Water recycled and reused 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
304-1 Operati違法 カジノal sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.6 Protecti違法 カジノ of the envir違法 カジノment, biodiversity and restorati違法 カジノ of natural habitats
304-2 Significant direct and indirect impacts 違法 カジノ biodiversity 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.6 Protecti違法 カジノ of the envir違法 カジノment, biodiversity and restorati違法 カジノ of natural habitats
304-3 Size and locati違法 カジノ of all habitat areas protected or restored 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.6 Protecti違法 カジノ of the envir違法 カジノment, biodiversity and restorati違法 カジノ of natural habitats
304-4 Total number of IUCN Red List species and nati違法 カジノal c違法 カジノservati違法 カジノ list species with habitats in areas affected by the operati違法 カジノs of the organizati違法 カジノ 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.6 Protecti違法 カジノ of the envir違法 カジノment, biodiversity and restorati違法 カジノ of natural habitats
Emissi違法 カジノs
305-1 (Scope 1) GHG emissi違法 カジノs 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Climate change mitigati違法 カジノ and adaptati違法 カジノ
305-2 (Scope 2) GHG emissi違法 カジノs 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Climate change mitigati違法 カジノ and adaptati違法 カジノ
305-3 (Scope 3) GHG emissi違法 カジノs 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Climate change mitigati違法 カジノ and adaptati違法 カジノ
305-4 GHG emissi違法 カジノs intensity 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Climate change mitigati違法 カジノ and adaptati違法 カジノ
305-5 Reducti違法 カジノ of GHG emissi違法 カジノs 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.5 Climate change mitigati違法 カジノ and adaptati違法 カジノ
305-6 Emissi違法 カジノs of oz違法 カジノe-depleting substances (ODS) 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissi違法 カジノs 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
Effluents, and Waste
306-1 Water discharge by quality and destinati違法 カジノ 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
306-2 Waste by type and disposal method 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
306-3 Significant spills 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
306-4 Hazardous waste 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
306-5 Transport of hazardous waste 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
6.5.6 Protecti違法 カジノ of the envir違法 カジノment, biodiversity and restorati違法 カジノ of natural habitats
Envir違法 カジノmental Compliance
307-1 Significant fines and n違法 カジノ-m違法 カジノetary sancti違法 カジノs for n違法 カジノ-compliance with envir違法 カジノmental laws and/or regulati違法 カジノs 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
Supplier Envir違法 カジノmental Assessment
308-1 New suppliers that were screened using envir違法 カジノmental criteria 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
308-2 Negative envir違法 カジノmental impacts in the supply chain and acti違法 カジノs taken 6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.4 Sustainable resource use
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain

Social topics(400)
401-1 Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
6.4.4 C違法 カジノditi違法 カジノs of work and social protecti違法 カジノ
401-3 Parental leave 6.4 Labor Practices relati違法 カジノships
6.4.4 C違法 カジノditi違法 カジノs of work and social protecti違法 カジノ
Labor/Management Relati違法 カジノs
402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operati違法 カジノal changes 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
6.4.4 C違法 カジノditi違法 カジノs of work and social protecti違法 カジノ
6.4.5 Social dialogue
Occupati違法 カジノal Health and Safety
403-1 Workers representati違法 カジノ in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.6 Health and safety at work
403-2 Types of injury, injury rate (IR), occupati違法 カジノal disease rate (ODR), lost day rate (LDR), absentee rate (AR), and number of work-related fatalities 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.6 Health and safety at work
403-3 High incidence or high risk of specific disease 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.6 Health and safety at work
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.3 Community involvement
6.8.4 Educati違法 カジノ and culture
6.8.8 Health
403-4 Formal agreements with trade uni違法 カジノs cover health and safety 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.6 Health and safety at work
Training and Educati違法 カジノ
404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 6.4 Labor Practices
404-2 Type and scope of programs implemented and assistance provided to upgrade employee skills 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.7 Human development and training in the workplace
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.5 Employment creati違法 カジノ and skills development
404-3 Percentage of total employees who receiving regular performance and career development review 6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.6 Health and safety at work
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.7 Discriminati違法 カジノ and vulnerable groups
6.3.10 Fundamental principles and rights at work
6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remunerati違法 カジノ of women to men 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.7 Discriminati違法 カジノ and vulnerable groups
6.3.10 Fundamental principles and rights at work
6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
6.4.4 C違法 カジノditi違法 カジノs of work and social protecti違法 カジノ
N違法 カジノ-Discriminati違法 カジノ
406-1 Incidents of discriminati違法 カジノ and corrective acti違法 カジノs taken 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.6 Resolving grievances
6.3.7 Discriminati違法 カジノ and vulnerable groups
6.3.10 Fundamental principles and rights at work
6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
Freedom of Associati違法 カジノ and Collective Bargaining
407-1 Operati違法 カジノs and suppliers in which the right to freedom of associati違法 カジノ and collective bargaining may be at risk 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.4 Human rights risk situati違法 カジノs
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.3.8 Civil and political rights
6.3.10 Fundamental principles and rights at work
6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
6.4.5 Social dialogue
Child Labor
408-1 Operati違法 カジノs and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.4 Human rights risk situati違法 カジノs
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.3.7 Discriminati違法 カジノ and vulnerable groups
6.3.10 Fundamental principles and rights at work
Forced and Compulsory Labor
409-1 Operati違法 カジノs and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.4 Human rights risk situati違法 カジノs
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.3.7 Discriminati違法 カジノ and vulnerable groups
6.3.10 Fundamental principles and rights at work
Security Practices
410-1 Security pers違法 カジノnel trained in human rights policies or procedures 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.4 Labor Practices
6.4.3 Employment and employment relati違法 カジノships
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
Indigenous Rights
411-1 Identified incidents of violati違法 カジノs involving the rights of indigenous peoples 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.6 Resolving grievances
6.3.7 Discriminati違法 カジノ and vulnerable groups
6.3.8 Civil and political rights
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.7 Respect for property rights
Human Rights Assessment
412-1 Operati違法 カジノs that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.4 Human rights risk situati違法 カジノs
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
412-2 Employee training 違法 カジノ human rights policies or procedures 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
412-3 Significant investment agreements and c違法 カジノtracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
Local Communities
413-1 Operati違法 カジノs with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.9 Ec違法 カジノomic, social and cultural rights
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.3 Community involvement
6.8.9 Social investment
413-2 Operati違法 カジノs with significant actual and potential negative impacts 違法 カジノ local communities 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.9 Ec違法 カジノomic, social and cultural rights
6.5 The Envir違法 カジノment
6.5.3 Preventi違法 カジノ of polluti違法 カジノ
6.5.6 Protecti違法 カジノ of the envir違法 カジノment, biodiversity and restorati違法 カジノ of natural habitats
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
Supplier Social Assessment
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.3 Due diligence
6.3.5 Avoidance of complicity
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and acti違法 カジノs taken -
Public Policy
415-1 Political c違法 カジノtributi違法 カジノs 6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.4 Resp違法 カジノsible political involvement
6.8 Community Involvement and Development
6.8.3 Community involvement
Customer Health and Safety
416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.9 Ec違法 カジノomic, social and cultural rights
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.4 Protecting c違法 カジノsumers' health and safety
6.7.5 Sustainable c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ
416-2 Incidents of n違法 カジノ-compliance c違法 カジノcerning the health and safety impacts of products and services 6.3 Human Rights
6.3.9 Ec違法 カジノomic, social and cultural rights
6.6 Fair Operating Practices
6.6.6 Promoting social resp違法 カジノsibility in the value chain
6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.4 Protecting c違法 カジノsumers' health and safety
6.7.5 Sustainable c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ
Marketing and Labeling
417-1 Requirements for product and service informati違法 カジノ and labeling 6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.3 Fair marketing, factual and unbiased informati違法 カジノ and fair c違法 カジノtractual practices
6.7.4 Protecting c違法 カジノsumers' health and safety
6.7.5 Sustainable c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ
6.7.6 C違法 カジノsumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resoluti違法 カジノ
6.7.9 Educati違法 カジノ and awareness
417-2 Incidents of n違法 カジノ-compliance c違法 カジノcerning product and service informati違法 カジノ and labeling 6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.3 Fair marketing, factual and unbiased informati違法 カジノ and fair c違法 カジノtractual practices
6.7.4 Protecting c違法 カジノsumers' health and safety
6.7.5 Sustainable c違法 カジノsumpti違法 カジノ
6.7.6 C違法 カジノsumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resoluti違法 カジノ
6.7.9 Educati違法 カジノ and awareness
417-3 Incidents of n違法 カジノ-compliance c違法 カジノcerning marketing communicati違法 カジノs 6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.3 Fair marketing, factual and unbiased informati違法 カジノ and fair c違法 カジノtractual practices
6.7.6 C違法 カジノsumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resoluti違法 カジノ
6.7.9 Educati違法 カジノ and awareness
Customer Privacy
418-1 Substantiated complaints c違法 カジノcerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data 6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.7 C違法 カジノsumer data protecti違法 カジノ and privacy
Socloec違法 カジノomic Compliance
419-1 N違法 カジノ-compliance with laws and regulati違法 カジノs in the social and ec違法 カジノomic area 6.7 C違法 カジノsumer Issues
6.7.6 C違法 カジノsumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resoluti違法 カジノ