無料 カジノ(Integrated Report)
From fiscal 2013, we united our annual report and CSR report into a single publication, the NYK Report. The NYK report aims to provide further understanding of the general business activities of the 無料 カジノ by focusing on the group's growth strategies and the ESG Management Promotion Activities on which the strategies are based.
Latest NYK Report
無料 カジノ24 (published in November 2024)
It will be shipped on our behalf from Eco Hot Line (limited to Japan).
PDF file[Download all pages]
PDF file[Download by section]
- Cover[PDF:397KB]
- Contents/What we do[PDF:8,495KB]
- CEO Message[PDF:296KB]
- CFO Message[PDF:523KB]
- SPECIAL FEATURE _The 無料 カジノ’s Growth Drivers Technological Capabilities and Human Resources[PDF:1,736KB]
- Progress of Management and Business Strategies[PDF:1,936KB]
- Sustainability(無料 カジノ/Safety/Decarbonization Initiatives)[PDF:3,977KB]
- Strengthening the Management Foundation(Gavernance)[PDF:780KB]
- Discussion with Outside Directors and Institutional Investors[PDF:260KB]
- Financial and Non-無料 カジノ/Environmental Data/Human Resources Data/Corporate Data[PDF:782KB]
【Scope of Report】
The reporting period is fiscal 2023 (April 2023 to March 2024). However, certain information from April 2024 is included.
【Independent Practitioner's Assurance】
GHG emission data for Scope 1, Scope2, and Scope 3 on page 84 of the report has been verified by a third-party.