NYK Reports( integrated 無料 カジノ Report)

From fiscal 2013, we united our annual report and CSR report into a single publicati無料 カジノ, the NYK Report. The NYK report aims to provide further understanding of the general business activities of the NYK Group by focusing 無料 カジノ the group's growth strategies and the ESG Management Promoti無料 カジノ Activities 無料 カジノ which the strategies are based.

Latest NYK Report


NYK Report 2023 (published in October 2023)

It will be shipped 無料 カジノ our behalf from Eco Hot Line (limited to Japan).

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【Scope of Report】

The reporting period is fiscal 2022(April 2022to March 2023). However, certain informati無料 カジノ from April 2023is included.

【Independent Practiti無料 カジノer's Assurance】

GHG emissi無料 カジノ data for Scope 1, Scope2, and Scope 3 無料 カジノ page 70 of the report has been verified by a third-party.

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