ダナン カジノ

NYK has been working to deepen its ESG financing as part of its ダナン カジノ, starting with the issuance of the world's first green bond by an ocean shipping company in May 2018.

NYK will continue its efforts to keep a wide range of stakeholders involved ダナン カジノ company's proactive approach to environmental investment as the company makes efforts to contribute to realizing a sustainable society through technology that lessens environmental burdens.

ダナン カジノ:

Loan from Taiyo Insurance Company (Arranged in ダナン カジノ018)

Agreement date ダナン カジノ7, 2018
Creditor Taiyo Life Insurance Company
Loan payable JPY 2 billion
Period 10 years from ダナン カジノ7, 2018, to ダナン カジノ7, 2028
ダナン カジノ Building a methanol-ダナン カジノ
Certification Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR)
Overall evaluation ダナン カジノ (the highest rank)

All the finance procured from this green loan has been used to build the new methanol-fueled chemical tanker. Its methanol-fueled main engine will reduce sulphur oxides (SOx) by approximately 99 percent compared with the ダナン カジノ heavy oil. In fact, the vessel' s entire SOx emissions, including the electrical generator, will fall by about 75 percent compared with using oils that comply with low-sulphur oil regulations. Using methanol as a marine fuel helps meet the International Maritime Organization' s new regulations that cap sulphur content in marine fuels coming into effect in 2020. Methanol is a clean-burning fuel that produces less nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxides (CO2), enabling more environment-friendly operation by NYK.

Second-Party Opinion

ダナン カジノ green loan evaluation conducted by JCR, this syndicated loan was evaluated for its contribution to SDGs objectives and targets. The detailed report by JCR can be found at the link here.

Outline of the ship

Deadweight tonnage: about 49,000 tons
Length overall: about 183 meters
Breadth: 32.2 meters
Shipbuilder: Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. Ltd.
Delivery: Scheduled for 2019

Green Syndicated Loan (Arranged in ダナン カジノ019)

Agreement date ダナン カジノ0, 2019
Arranger/Agent MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Participating financial institutions Agricultural Cooperatives (Aichi Prefecture)
Shinkin Central Bank
The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd.
The Higo Bank, Ltd.
The Hiroshima Bank, Ltd.
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
The Musashino Bank, Ltd.
The Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd.
and one other institution
Total of nine financial institutions
Total amount JPY 9 billion
Period 5 years from ダナン カジノ9, 2019, to ダナン カジノ9, 2024
ダナン カジノ Installing scrubber systems
Certification Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR)
Overall evaluation ダナン カジノ (the highest rank)

All the finance procured from this green loan has been used to install scrubber systems, that effectively address the strengthened SOx (sulphur oxides) fuel regulation which will soon enter into force. Scrubber systems use seawater and chemicals to remove sulphur from ship exhaust gases, effectively eliminating 86 percent of SOx emissions.

Second-Party Opinion

ダナン カジノ green loan evaluation conducted by JCR, this syndicated loan was evaluated for its contribution to SDGs objectives and targets. The detailed report by JCR can be found at the link here.

In addition, this syndicated loan is the first "ダナン カジノ support loan" for MUFG Bank, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co. Ltd.(MURC), and NYK' s industry-leading ダナン カジノ received MURC' s highest ESG evaluation.

How a scrubber works