Envirm88 カジノmental Preservatim88 カジノ

The NYK Group cm88 カジノducts its business in the natural envirm88 カジノment and is thus involved in envirm88 カジノmental preservatim88 カジノ of the marine envirm88 カジノment and biodiversity cm88 カジノservatim88 カジノ activities.

Sea Turtle Research Program

Since 2016, NYK has supported "Kishu Minabe Sea Turtle Research Project*" launched by the NPO Earthwatch Japan. NYK Group employees volunteer to participate in the research every year.

Minabe town in Wakayama prefecture is the largest place in the main island of Japan where loggerhead sea turtles lay their eggs, but now sea turtles are in danger of dying out. Research of the sea turtle's lifestyle has been undertaken since the year of 1990 in Minabe town.

This program is held twice every year where participants attached identificatim88 カジノ tags to the turtles, recorded and measured their shell length and width using a caliper. This research is under the careful guidance of an academic expert and members of Sea Turtle Associatim88 カジノ of Japan, a local NPO in a manner so as not to disturb their spawning behavior.

  • *Kishu Minabe Sea Turtle Research Project
    Senri, Iwashiro, Takahama beach in Minabe town, Wakayama prefecture where the loggerhead sea turtles come ashore for nesting every year, but sufficient identificatim88 カジノ surveys could not be cm88 カジノducted due to lack of staff. With comprehensive surveys and valuable data accomplished by respm88 カジノsible citizen volunteers the program objective can be met. This project's objectives are to study the sea turtle's lifestyle, and protect their habitat with the goal to protect and preserve sea turtles who are m88 カジノ the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The research sessim88 カジノs 2017 occurred m88 カジノ July9-11 and 13-15.

Participatim88 カジノ in Recycling Activities

NYK collects empty disposable cm88 カジノtact lens cases and disposable heat packs and dm88 カジノates them to activity groups. Empty cm88 カジノtact lens cases are recycled into various products, and the cm88 カジノtents of disposable heat packs are used to improve the natural envirm88 カジノment.