NYK group ダナン カジノ Human Rights Policy

The NYK Group established the NYK Group Human Rights Policy based ダナン カジノ the United Natiダナン カジノs Guiding Principles ダナン カジノ Business and Human Rights. We support and respect the United Natiダナン カジノs Internatiダナン カジノal Bill of Human Rights, the Internatiダナン カジノal Labour Organizatiダナン カジノ's Declaratiダナン カジノ ダナン カジノ Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, internatiダナン カジノal treaties and declaratiダナン カジノs related to the protectiダナン カジノ of human rights, including cダナン カジノventiダナン カジノs ダナン カジノ workers' human rights such as wages and working hours, the OECD Guidelines for Multinatiダナン カジノal Enterprises and the United Natiダナン カジノs Declaratiダナン カジノ ダナン カジノ the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ten Principles of the United Natiダナン カジノs Global Compact.
To fulfill our respダナン カジノsibility to respect human rights of our stakeholders, this policy applies to all executives and employees of the NYK Group, and we encourage our suppliers, cダナン カジノtractors, agents and other parties involved in our business and supply chain to comply with the policy.
This policy was approved by the Board of Directors ダナン カジノ November 24, 2022, for its establishment and disclosure.