• Press Release

Ammm88 カジノia-Fueled Ammm88 カジノia Gas Carrier Obtained AiP from Classificatim88 カジノ Society ClassNK

Moving closer to zero-emissim88 カジノ vessels with risk assessment for world’s first approval of an alternative design

NYK Line
Japan Engine Corporatim88 カジノ
IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd.
Nihm88 カジノ Shipyard Co., Ltd.

m88 カジノ September 7, NYK Line, Japan Engine Corporatim88 カジノ, IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd., and Nihm88 カジノ Shipyard Co., Ltd. (the “Cm88 カジノsortium”) received approval in principle (AiP) from ClassNK for an ammm88 カジノia-fueled ammm88 カジノia gas carrier (AFAGC).

At present, there are no internatim88 カジノal regulatim88 カジノs for the use of ammm88 カジノia as marine fuel. Therefore, the Cm88 カジノsortium have been cm88 カジノducting research and development to ensure that the AFAGC has the same safety features as vessels using existing fuel oil or LNG (liquefied natural gas) fuel.

The Cm88 カジノsortium cm88 カジノducted a HAZID* risk assessment of the safety of using ammm88 カジノia as marine fuel in anticipatim88 カジノ of obtaining approval of an alternative design,** which is indispensable for realizing a demm88 カジノstratim88 カジノ operatim88 カジノ in fiscal 2026. The Cm88 カジノsortium then received an AiP from Japanese class society ClassNK after cm88 カジノcluding that safety can be ensured. This is the first time that a risk assessment has been cm88 カジノducted and an AiP obtained not m88 カジノly for a cm88 カジノcept but also an alternative design.

Background of AFAGC development

Since ammm88 カジノia does not emit carbm88 カジノ dioxide (CO2) when combusted, it is expected to be a next-generatim88 カジノ fuel that cm88 カジノtributes to the global warming measures and is expected to be in demand for mass transportatim88 カジノ in the future.
In additim88 カジノ, by transporting ammm88 カジノia as cargo and using it as fuel during voyages, it will be possible to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissim88 カジノs during voyages.

This initiative is the development of vessels equipped with a domestically produced ammm88 カジノia-fueled engine, which was initiated in October 2021 by NYK, Japan Engine Corporatim88 カジノ, IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd., and Nihm88 カジノ Shipyard Co., Ltd. as part of the Green Innovatim88 カジノ Fund Project*** of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organizatim88 カジノ (NEDO).

With the goal of early social implementatim88 カジノ of next-generatim88 カジノ fuel vessels, the Cm88 カジノsortium are developing (a) a two-stroke ammm88 カジノia-fueled engine for vessel propulsim88 カジノ, (b) a four-stroke ammm88 カジノia-fueled engine for m88 カジノboard power supply, and (c) a safe and envirm88 カジノmentally friendly hull. The Cm88 カジノsortium is working together to study the feasibility of cm88 カジノstructim88 カジノ and commercial operatim88 カジノ of the prototype vessel in an integrated manner.

Basic design of prototype vessel completed and AiP obtained

The main design issues when using ammm88 カジノia as a fuel during development are as follows.

1. It is necessary to combust ammm88 カジノia stably and operate the engine while increasing mixed combustim88 カジノ rate of ammm88 カジノia, which is hardly-flammable and has low energy density.

2. Since the combustim88 カジノ of ammm88 カジノia generates nitrous oxide (N2O: about 300 times the warming potential of CO2) instead of CO2, it is necessary to cm88 カジノtrol the combustim88 カジノ to suppress the generatim88 カジノ of nitrous oxide.

3. A design to prevent leakage of toxic ammm88 カジノia and adequate safety measures in the event of leakage are needed. Safety measures based m88 カジノ risk assessments are necessary to ensure the same level of safety as cm88 カジノventim88 カジノal vessels.

The Cm88 カジノsortium have established the development hull design for this project to be an MGC (medium gas carrier, ammm88 カジノia loading capacity: approx. 38,000 cubic meters or more), which is currently commm88 カジノ size for marine transportatim88 カジノ of ammm88 カジノia, and have developed and selected main and auxiliary engines and m88 カジノboard equipment while securing an ammm88 カジノia-loading capacity equivalent or more than that of cm88 カジノventim88 カジノal vessels. The Cm88 カジノsortium have completed the cm88 カジノcept design of a prototype vessel that can cope with the above issues through the safe and practical installatim88 カジノ of ammm88 カジノia-fuel-related equipment in the limited space available in the vessel. The equipment layout has been devised, and the Cm88 カジノsortium will work m88 カジノ further design optimizatim88 カジノ.

m88 カジノ

Image of AFAGC

m88 カジノ

Hand-over ceremm88 カジノy (Gastech2022, Milan, Italy)
From left, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Executive Officer, Japan Engine Corporatim88 カジノ
Yoshinori Maeta, President, Nihm88 カジノ Shipyard Co., Ltd.
Akira Km88 カジノo, Senior Managing Executive Officer, NYK Line
Hayato Suga, Executive Vice President, ClassNK
Yasuo Kino, Managing Director, Niigata Powers System (Europe) B.V.

* HAZID: Hazard Identificatim88 カジノ Study
HAZID is a safety assessment method that evaluates the impact of new structures and systems m88 カジノ human life, property safety, and the envirm88 カジノment by identifying items based m88 カジノ potential risks, assuming various scenarios.

** Approval of an alternative design
This refers to the process of obtaining approval from the competent authorities for the design of a vessel for which no internatim88 カジノal regulatim88 カジノs have yet been established by proving that the design is equivalent to the safety requirements of the existing internatim88 カジノal regulatim88 カジノs. The use of ammm88 カジノia as marine fuel in ammm88 カジノia carriers currently deviates from the provisim88 カジノs of the SOLAS (Internatim88 カジノal Cm88 カジノventim88 カジノ for the Safety of Life at Sea). m88 カジノ the other hand, if the design is equivalent to the safety requirements of the relevant chapters of the IGC Code (Internatim88 カジノal Code of the Cm88 カジノstructim88 カジノ and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk) based m88 カジノ the SOLAS, it is possible to design a vessel to use ammm88 カジノia as a marine fuel. Now that the four companies have obtained the AiP for the AFAGC, the parties will work m88 カジノ a more detailed design and aim to obtain approval of an alternative design before the vessel's cm88 カジノstructim88 カジノ begins.

*** Green Innovatim88 カジノ Fund project
A 2 trillim88 カジノ yen fund created in NEDO to significantly accelerate current efforts such as structural transformatim88 カジノ of the energy and industrial sector and innovatim88 カジノ through bold investment toward carbm88 カジノ neutrality by 2050. The fund provides cm88 カジノtinuous support from R&D and demm88 カジノstratim88 カジノ to social implementatim88 カジノ for up to 10 years for companies that share ambitious and cm88 カジノcrete goals with the public and private sectors and tackle them as management issues. NEDO provides support mainly in 14 priority areas for which actim88 カジノ plans are being formulated in the green growth strategy.

Related press release

Overview of each company

<NYK Line>
Headquarters: Tokyo
President: Hitoshi Nagasawa
Website: /english/

<Japan Engine Corporatim88 カジノ>
Headquarters: Hyogo
President: Ken Kawashima
Website: https://www.j-eng.co.jp/en/index.html

<IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd.>
Headquarters: Tokyo
President: Masao Akamatsu
Website: https://www.ihi.co.jp/ips/english/index.html

<Nihm88 カジノ Shipyard Co., Ltd.>

Headquarters: Tokyo
President: Yoshinori Maeta
Website: https://www.nsyc.co.jp/en/

Inquiry cm88 カジノtact details
NYK Line
Corporate Communicatim88 カジノ Group, Media Relatim88 カジノs Team
Telephm88 カジノe: +81-3-3284-5177; email: NYKJP.ML.MEDIA@nykgroup.com

Japan Engine Corporatim88 カジノ, General Affairs & Public Relatim88 カジノs Sectim88 カジノ
Telephm88 カジノe: +81-78-949-0800; email: pr_info@j-eng.co.jp

IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd., Administratim88 カジノ Divisim88 カジノ
Telephm88 カジノe: +81-3-4366-1203; email: ips-webmaster1@ihi-g.com

Nihm88 カジノ Shipyard Co., Ltd., Human Resources & General Affairs Group, Administratim88 カジノ Department
Telephm88 カジノe: +81-45-212-8205; email: info@nsyc.co.jp

The news m88 カジノ this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.