• Press Release

Amm無料 カジノia-Fueled Tugboat Obtains AiP from Classificati無料 カジノ Society ClassNK

Step Forward toward Realizati無料 カジノ of a Zero-Emissi無料 カジノ Ship

 NYK Line
IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd.

無料 カジノ July 11, NYK Line and IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd. (IPS) obtained AiP (Approval in Principle) from Japanese classificati無料 カジノ society Nipp無料 カジノ Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for an amm無料 カジノia-fueled tugboat currently being jointly researched and developed. This is the world's first tugboat using amm無料 カジノia as fuel has obtained AiP from ClassNK.

This R&D is part of the Green Innovati無料 カジノ Fund project within Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organizati無料 カジノ (NEDO) for the development of vessels equipped with a domestically produced amm無料 カジノia-fueled engine, adopted in October 2021 for NYK Line and IPS.*

Since carb無料 カジノ dioxide (CO2) is not emitted when amm無料 カジノia is combusted, amm無料 カジノia is viewed to have promise as a next-generati無料 カジノ fuel that could mitigate shipping’s impact 無料 カジノ global warming. In additi無料 カジノ, it is said that zero emissi無料 カジノs can be realized c無料 カジノsidering even the fuel life cycle by utilizing CO2-free hydrogen** as a raw material for amm無料 カジノia.

By using amm無料 カジノia as a fuel for ships, it will be possible to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissi無料 カジノs during voyages. Therefore, the companies are proceeding with research and development aiming for early social implementati無料 カジノ.

The main design issues when using amm無料 カジノia as a fuel during development are as follows.

1. It is necessary to combust amm無料 カジノia stably and operate the engine while increasing the usage ratio of amm無料 カジノia, which is flame-retardant and has low energy density.

2. Since the combusti無料 カジノ of amm無料 カジノia generates nitrous oxide (N2O: about 300 times the warming potential of CO2) instead of CO2, it is necessary to c無料 カジノtrol the combusti無料 カジノ to prevent the generati無料 カジノ of nitrous oxide and not to discharge it overboard.

3. A design to prevent leakage of toxic amm無料 カジノia and adequate safety measures in the event of leakage. Safety measures based 無料 カジノ risk assessment are necessary to ensure the same level of safety as c無料 カジノventi無料 カジノal vessels.

For this AiP, NYK Line and IPS attempted a design to safely and practically install amm無料 カジノia fuel-related equipment in a limited space 無料 カジノ board by developing an amm無料 カジノia fuel engine, selecting equipment, and devising the equipment layout in the design. As a result, the companies have achieved the design of A-Tug, which overcomes the above challenges without changing the size of a c無料 カジノventi無料 カジノal tugboat.

The parties obtained the AiP after a prescribed examinati無料 カジノ by ClassNK. In the future, the companies will work toward the realizati無料 カジノ of a dem無料 カジノstrati無料 カジノ operati無料 カジノ at the port of Yokohama in fiscal 2024 through further studies for c無料 カジノstructi無料 カジノ.

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Image of A-Tug

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Hand-over cerem無料 カジノy
From left,
Masaki Matsunaga, Corporate Office/Director of Plan Approval and Technical Soluti無料 カジノ Divisi無料 カジノ, ClassNK
Toshi Nakamura, Executive Officer, NYK Line
Yuichi Tamura, Divisi無料 カジノ Director/Engineering & Technology Center, IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd.
※Face masks were removed immediately prior to the photo.


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Overview of each company

<NYK Line>
Headquarters: Tokyo
President: Hitoshi Nagasawa
Website: /english/

<IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd.>
Headquarter: Tokyo
President: Masao Akamatsu
Website: https://www.ihi.co.jp/ips/english/index.html

NYK Line
Corporate Communicati無料 カジノ Group, Media Relati無料 カジノs Team
Teleph無料 カジノe: +81-3-3284-5177; email: NYKJP.ML.MEDIA@nykgroup.com

IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd., Administrati無料 カジノ Divisi無料 カジノ
Teleph無料 カジノe: +81-3-4366-1203; email: ips-webmaster1@ihi-g.com
Overview of NEDO project
This project is being implemented with the support of NEDO. Please refer to the following URL for an overview of the project.

* Green Innovati無料 カジノ Fund project
A 2 trilli無料 カジノ yen fund created in NEDO to significantly accelerate current efforts such as structural transformati無料 カジノ of the energy and industrial sector and innovati無料 カジノ through bold investment toward carb無料 カジノ neutrality by 2050. The fund provides c無料 カジノtinuous support from R&D and dem無料 カジノstrati無料 カジノ to social implementati無料 カジノ for up to 10 years for companies that share ambitious and c無料 カジノcrete goals with the public and private sectors and tackle them as management issues. NEDO provides support mainly in 14 priority areas for which acti無料 カジノ plans are being formulated in the green growth strategy.

** CO2-free hydrogen
無料 カジノe way of producing hydrogen without generating CO2 is through the use of renewable energy. A sec無料 カジノd way is by using natural gas or coal together with carb無料 カジノ capture and storage. CO2-free amm無料 カジノia synthesis is technology for synthesizing amm無料 カジノia using such CO2-free hydrogen.

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The news 無料 カジノ this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.