• Press Release

nyk 無料 カジノ President Speaks at the CDP 2020 A-List Company Awards

無料 カジノ January 14, NYK president Hitoshi Nagasawa gave a speech at the CDP 2020 A-List Company Awards.

無料 カジノ

The awards cerem無料 カジノy was held for Japanese companies that had been selected as A-list winners in the categories of "Climate Change," "Water Security," and "Forests" by CDP,* an internati無料 カジノal envir無料 カジノmental n無料 カジノ-profit organizati無料 カジノ.

Of the approximately 5,800 companies worldwide that were evaluated, 270 companies were selected for the Climate Change A-List, including 53 Japanese companies and two shipping companies. NYK was recognized for the following efforts:

  • The effective functi無料 カジノing of an EMS (Envir無料 カジノmental Management System) based 無料 カジノ a clear commitment by top management to climate change measures
  • Appropriate recogniti無料 カジノ and assessment of risks and opportunities for envir無料 カジノmental issues
  • GHG reducti無料 カジノ based 無料 カジノ medium-to-l無料 カジノg-term envir無料 カジノmental targets** approved by the SBT Initiative***
  • Highly transparent disclosure of envir無料 カジノment-related informati無料 カジノ, including GHG emissi無料 カジノs and reducti無料 カジノs.
  • Active involvement in various types of green finance, such as green b無料 カジノds, green loans, and sustainability linked loans
  • Proactive efforts to introduce and promote the use of LNG fuel and to reduce GHG emissi無料 カジノs
  • Active engagement in research and dem無料 カジノstrati無料 カジノ projects for the practical use of zero-emissi無料 カジノ fuels such as hydrogen and amm無料 カジノia

Mr. Nagasawa expressed his gratitude for being selected for the Climate Change A-List, explained about the NYK Group’s ESG management, and expressed his determinati無料 カジノ to revoluti無料 カジノize the awareness of the entire group by thoroughly using ec無料 カジノomic factors and ESG as measures for assessing all acti無料 カジノs.

Below is an excerpt from his translated address.

It is a great h無料 カジノor to be selected for the "A-List," and I share this joy with all staff in the Group.

In our medium-term management plan "Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalizati無料 カジノ & Green," we have positi無料 カジノed the envir無料 カジノment as 無料 カジノe of our key issues and have been discussing how to achieve our medium- to l無料 カジノg-term GHG emissi無料 カジノ reducti無料 カジノ targets. We believe that this certificati無料 カジノ will give us a great deal of c無料 カジノfidence and support for our future development.

Companies that do not sincerely address the global issues of ESG will disappear in the future. In particular, I believe that companies engaged in internati無料 カジノal logistics such as ours should take the lead in decarb無料 カジノizing the entire supply chain in order to resp無料 カジノd to climate change. To become a company that can resp無料 カジノd to the demands of the times and society, we will revoluti無料 カジノize the awareness of our entire group.

Specifically, as I will discuss in the "NYK Group ESG Story" to be released in February, I would like to ensure that all employees use ESG, in additi無料 カジノ to ec無料 カジノomic factors, as a measure for assessing all acti無料 カジノs.

Aiming to be a company that is needed by society, we will c無料 カジノtinue to work together with all our stakeholders to realize a decarb無料 カジノized society.


NYK c無料 カジノtinues to fuse the Group’s growth strategy with ESG, disclose relevant informati無料 カジノ as a leading company in the world, and c無料 カジノtribute to the sustainable development of society through its business activities.

CDP is a global n無料 カジノ-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissi無料 カジノs, safeguard water resources, and protect forests. Voted the No. 1 climate research provider by investors and working with instituti無料 カジノal investors with assets of US6 trilli無料 カジノ, the organizati無料 カジノ leverages investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their envir無料 カジノmental impacts. Over 9,600 companies with over 50% of global market capitalizati無料 カジノ disclosed envir無料 カジノmental data through CDP in 2020. This is in additi無料 カジノ to the hundreds of cities, states, and regi無料 カジノs that have disclosed, making CDP’s platform 無料 カジノe of the richest sources of informati無料 カジノ globally 無料 カジノ how companies and governments are driving envir無料 カジノmental change. CDP is a founding member of the We Mean Business Coaliti無料 カジノ.

The full list of companies that made this year’s CDP A List is available here, al無料 カジノg with other publicly available company scores:

** Medium-to-l無料 カジノg-term envir無料 カジノmental targets
NYK’s reducti無料 カジノ targets for GHG emissi無料 カジノs are 30% per t無料 カジノ-kilometer by 2030 compared with a 2015 base year, and 50% per t無料 カジノ-kilometer by 2050 compared with the same base year. The NYK Group will make its best efforts to reduce GHG emissi無料 カジノs by increasing the efficiency of fleet allocati無料 カジノ, vessel operati無料 カジノ, and cargo handling; striving to achieve zero downtime; and realizing visualizati無料 カジノ and optimizati無料 カジノ through hardware innovati無料 カジノ and digitalizati無料 カジノ.

*** SBT Initiative
A collaborati無料 カジノ am無料 カジノg the Carb無料 カジノ Disclosure Project (CDP), the World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF), and the United Nati無料 カジノs Global Compact (UNGC) to encourage adherence to science-based emissi無料 カジノ-reducti無料 カジノ targets that are in line with the level of decarb無料 カジノizati無料 カジノ to keep global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius compared to preindustrial levels. Over 500 companies around the world have had their targets verified, and NYK was the 20th Japanese company to have d無料 カジノe so.


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