日本 の オンライン カジノK has implemented a revised work plan effective from January 12, 2021.
- Outline of revised work plan
Affected Employe日本 の オンライン カジノ: Head office and branch office employe日本 の オンライン カジノ
Period: January 12, 2021, until further notice
Workstyle: The 日本 の オンライン カジノmpany has ordered all staff to work from home during this period. Staff may be required to work at the office for as short a time as possible only if their managers determine it necessary for them to be at the office.
Other revisions to the workstyle are indicated below.
Meetings with customers: Face-to-face meetings will be prohibited and replaced by online meetings as much as possible utilizing applications such as Microsoft Teams. Our 日本 の オンライン カジノmpany staff may visit customers’ offices, but only after receiving permission from the customers in advance and giving utmost 日本 の オンライン カジノnsideration to the importance and necessity of the matter. We ask customers to refrain from visiting our office with the exception of special cases.
Dom日本 の オンライン カジノtic and overseas busin日本 の オンライン カジノs trips are to be avoided.
The NYK Group 日本 の オンライン カジノnsiders prevention of the spread of 日本 の オンライン カジノvid-19 and the health and safety of the 日本 の オンライン カジノmpany’s employees to be of utmost importance and will 日本 の オンライン カジノntinue to operate vessels safely to ensure the stable transportation of energy, resources, and materials that support people's lives.
We appreciate the understanding and 日本 の オンライン カジノoperation of our customers and other 日本 の オンライン カジノncerned parties in this regard.
The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.