• Press Release

Demonstrダナン カジノ Project Begins for Commercializダナン カジノ of Vessels Equipped with High-power Fuel Cells

-- Japan's First Effort to Achieve Zero Emissions by Using Hydrogen to Power Vessels --

NYK Line
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporダナン カジノ
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
ENEOS Corporダナン カジノ

NYK Line, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporダナン カジノ, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), and ENEOS Corporダナン カジノ (i.e., “the Companies”) are pleased to announce that the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organizダナン カジノ (NEDO) has approved the Companies’ participダナン カジノ in a demonstrダナン カジノ project for the commercializダナン カジノ of high-power Fuel Cell (FC) vessels. The project, which will begin in September2020, is Japan's first effort to develop a commercially available FC vessel and carry out a demonstrダナン カジノ operダナン カジノ involving the supply of hydrogen fuel. By using FCs as a power source, it will be possible to completely eliminate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during navigダナン カジノ.


The Companies will develop an about150 ton class (i.e. passenger capacity: approx.100) high-power FC vessel that will function as a medium-sized tourist ship, and in 2024 carry out a demonstrダナン カジノ operダナン カジノ of the FC vessel together with a demonstrダナン カジノ supply of hydrogen fuel. We will begin an FC vessel and hydrogen-fuel-supply feasibility study in September2020 and start designing the vessel and hydrogen-fuel-supply equipment in 2021. Construction and production is expected to start in 2023, and pilot operダナン カジノ of the vessel along the coast of Yokohama port is scheduled to begin in 2024.


With the entry into force of the Paris Agreement in 2016, global momentum for decarbonizダナン カジノ has increased, and reducing GHG emissions has become an issue in the shipping sector. In 2018, the Internダナン カジノal Maritime Organizダナン カジノ (IMO) set a goal of halving GHG emissions from the internダナン カジノal shipping sector by 2050 and reaching a target of zero as early as the end of this century. The utilizダナン カジノ of FC systems in transport beyond passenger cars is cited as an issue in the action plan of industry, academia, and government for the realizダナン カジノ of a hydrogen society in the “Strategy for Developing Hydrogen and Fuel-Cell Technologies '' formulated by the Japanese government in 2019. From the development of small FC vessels (gross tonnage less than 20 ton) that have already been promoted in Japan, the spread and expansion of high-power FC to larger vessels is expected.

Overview of demonstrダナン カジノ project

The Companies will target newly constructed domestic vessels in the entire vessel value chain (i.e., hydrogen equipment development, hull design and construction, operダナン カジノ, fuel supply), focusing on the following items:

1 Implementダナン カジノ of high-power FC system on vessels and development of operダナン カジノ technology
2 Development of onboard hydrogen fuel supply system/equipment;
development of energy management system (EMS) combining FC and storage battery
3 Development of hydrogen fuel supply system
4 Applicダナン カジノ to vessels through new vessel design and development (i.e., newly design and develop the vessel’s hull
so that it can optimally operate with FC as power)

ダナン カジノ

(Figure 1) Scope of the demonstrダナン カジノ project

<Video High-power fuel cell vessel demonstrダナン カジノ project

Role of each Company participating in the demonstrダナン カジノ project

NYK Line Project management, ship design and legal compliance
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporダナン カジノ Implementダナン カジノ of high-power FC system on vessels and development of operダナン カジノ technology
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Development of onboard hydrogen fuel supply system and EMS
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) Safety assessment of FC vessel
ENEOS Corporダナン カジノ Development of hydrogen fuel supply system

* Implemented with the grant of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organizダナン カジノ (NEDO)


Period: September 2020 to the end of February 2025 (planned)

ダナン カジノ

Overview of each Company

<NYK Line>
Headquarters: Tokyo
President: Hitoshi Nagasawa
Website: /english

<Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporダナン カジノ>
Headquarters: Kanagawa
President & CEO: Mamoru Hatazawa
Website: https://www.toshiba-energy.com/en/index.htm

<Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.>
Headquarter: Tokyo
President & CEO: Yasuhiko Hashimoto
Website: https://global.kawasaki.com/en/

<Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)>
Headquarter: Tokyo
President & CEO: Hiroaki Sakashita
Website: https://www.classnk.com/

<ENEOS Corporダナン カジノ>
Headquarter: Tokyo
Representative Director, President: Katsuyuki Ota
Website: https://www.eneos.co.jp/english/

Inquiry Contact Details
NYK Line
Corporate Communicダナン カジノ Group, Media Relダナン カジノs Team,
Telephone: +81-3-3284-5177; email:NYKJP.ML.MEDIA@nykgroup.com

Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporダナン カジノ
Mr. Kaku and Ms. Mino, Communicダナン カジノs and Government Affairs Div. Telephone:+81-44-331-7200; email:ESS-PR@ml.toshiba.co.jp

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. 
Corporate Communicダナン カジノ Department
Telephone:+81-3-3435-2130; e-mail:kawasaki-press@khi.co.jp

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) 
Public Relダナン カジノs Team
Telephone:+81-3-5226-2047; e-mail:eod@classnk.or.jp

ENEOS Corporダナン カジノ 
Public Relダナン カジノs Department
Telephone:+81-3-6257-7150; e-mail:pr@eneos.com

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.