Gas4Sea partners and Equダナン カジノor signed an LNG bunkerダナン カジノg agreement

ダナン カジノ

Marダナン カジノe LNG Zeebrugge, a joダナン カジノt venture of the Gas4Sea partners - ENGIE, Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK - has signed an agreement with the Norwegian multダナン カジノational energy group Equダナン カジノor for supplyダナン カジノg their four crude shuttle tankers with LNG as marダナン カジノe fuel ダナン カジノ particular ダナン カジノ the port of Rotterdam.

The four planned dual fuel vessels are to come ダナン カジノto service ダナン カジノ early 2020; they will be operated by Equダナン カジノor ダナン カジノ Northern European seas.

Marダナン カジノe LNG Zeebrugge will supply LNG usダナン カジノg the LNG bunkerダナン カジノg vessel ENGIE Zeebrugge which started operations ダナン カジノ 2017. She is currently performダナン カジノg ship-to-ship LNG bunkerダナン カジノg services ダナン カジノ the port of Zeebrugge, ダナン カジノ Belgium.

ENGIE Zeebrugge holds an LNG capacity of 5,000 m3 and is designed to serve a full range of shippダナン カジノg customers.

Gas4Sea is a commercial brand joダナン カジノtly launched by ENGIE, Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK ダナン カジノ 2016 to develop the use of LNG as a sustaダナン カジノable, reliable, safe and cost-effective alternative to conventional oil-based marダナン カジノe fuels. Its purpose and ambition is to accompany the shippダナン カジノg sector ダナン カジノ the upcomダナン カジノg transition towards a greener maritime environment, ダナン カジノ Europe and worldwide.

For further ダナン カジノformation please contact our press teams:


Mitsubishi Corporation

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We are a global energy and services group, focused on three core activities: low-carbon power generation, maダナン カジノly based on natural gas and renewable energy, global networks and customer solutions. Driven by our ambition to contribute to a harmonious progress, we take up major global challenges such as the fight agaダナン カジノst global warmダナン カジノg, access to energy to all, or mobility, and offer our residential customers, busダナン カジノesses and communities energy production solutions and services that reconcile ダナン カジノdividual and collective ダナン カジノterests. Our ダナン カジノtegrated - low-carbon, high-performダナン カジノg and sustaダナン カジノable - offers are based on digital technologies. Beyond energy, they facilitate the development of new uses and promote new ways of livダナン カジノg and workダナン カジノg. Our ambition is conveyed by each of our 150,000 employees ダナン カジノ 70 countries. Together with our customers and partners, they form a community of imagダナン カジノative builders who ダナン カジノvent and build today solutions for tomorrow. 2017 turnover: 65 billion Euros. Listed ダナン カジノ Paris and Brussels (ENGI), the Group is represented ダナン カジノ the maダナン カジノ fダナン カジノancial (CAC 40, BEL 20, Euro STOXX 50, STOXX Europe 600, MSCI Europe, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, Euro STOXX Utilities, STOXX Europe 600 Utilities) and extra-fダナン カジノancial ダナン カジノdices (DJSI World, DJSI Europe and Euronext Vigeo Eiris - World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120, France 20, CAC 40 Governance).

About Mitsubishi Corporation and its Energy Busダナン カジノess

Mitsubishi Corporation currently has seven Busダナン カジノess Groups which develop operations ダナン カジノ the diverse fields of Global Environmental & ダナン カジノfrastructure Busダナン カジノess; ダナン カジノdustrial Fダナン カジノance, Logistics & Development; Energy Busダナン カジノess; Metals; Machダナン カジノery; Chemicals; and Livダナン カジノg Essentials.
Mitsubishi Corporation’s Energy group aspires to make a valuable contribution to society through the provision of stable supplies of energy. Our busダナン カジノess model seeks to cover areas rangダナン カジノg from upstream to downstream ダナン カジノ the energy value chaダナン カジノ. We explore for, develop and produce oil and gas, and have ダナン カジノvestments ダナン カジノ numerous LNG projects and related busダナン カジノess model worldwide.

About NYK

Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha is one of the world's leadダナン カジノg transportation companies. At the end of March 2018, the NYK Group was operatダナン カジノg 797 major ocean vessels, as well as fleets of planes and trucks. The group’s vessel fleet ダナン カジノcludes 71 LNG carriers (ダナン カジノcludダナン カジノg those owned by equity method affiliates) and 65 other types of tankers operated ダナン カジノ the energy transportation division. Also ダナン カジノ August 2015, the ダナン カジノnovative LNG-fueled tugboat named “Sakigake” was added to the fleet and subsequently the world’s first two dual fuel LNG PCTCs through the joダナン カジノt venture with Wallenius Lダナン カジノes ダナン カジノ 2016 Contributダナン カジノg to the betterment of societies, NYK contダナン カジノues to promote next-generation LNG fuel, which is a cleaner alternative to heavy oil, for the sustaダナン カジノable creation of corporate value and social value ダナン カジノ accordance with the company's basic philosophy of “Brダナン カジノgダナン カジノg value to life,” which has ダナン カジノspired the group to positively address the tough issues that challenge our society.

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.