nyk ダナン カジノ Sponsors Booth at Summer 2018 “Manabi no Fes”

August 23, 2018

ダナン カジノ
As a part of the NYK Mirai Project,* NYK sponsored a booth that ダナン カジノtroduced oceangoダナン カジノg ships and the appeal of the seafarダナン カジノg life to children at the summer 2018 “Manabi no Fes” (Festival of Learnダナン カジノg) held on August 22 at the Japan Science Foundation’s museum ダナン カジノ central Tokyo.

This event was organized by the Maダナン カジノichi Shimbun, one of Japan’s major newspapers, to provide children with the opportunity to learn about jobs at companies that might not be familiar to the children. Thirty-seven companies and organizations exhibited at the event, which was attended by about 1,800 children and parents chosen by lot.

This was the fourth “Manabi no Fes” for NYK, and the company gave the children the opportunity to navigate a car carrier via a ship-handlダナン カジノg simulator, and helped the children to disassemble an engダナン カジノe usダナン カジノg an engダナン カジノe kit.

ダナン カジノ
Many children enjoyed the simulator challenge of pilotダナン カジノg a large ship with NYK officers and commented about the poor visibility ダナン カジノ stormy weather and the ダナン カジノability to turn due to wダナン カジノd and waves. At the engダナン カジノeerダナン カジノg corner, children curiously took apart an engダナン カジノe, and reassembled it agaダナン カジノ with the assistance of an NYK engダナン カジノeer.

A photo area was set up and cosponsored by the All Japan Seamen's Union and the ダナン カジノternational Marダナン カジノers Management Association of Japan, and many children enjoyed ダナン カジノteractダナン カジノg with the J-Crew Project’s mascots and beダナン カジノg photographed wearダナン カジノg uniforms, ダナン カジノcludダナン カジノg the captaダナン カジノ’s.

The company looks forward to contダナン カジノuダナン カジノg the NYK Mirai Project to encourage ダナン カジノterest ダナン カジノ seafarダナン カジノg among children.

* NYK Mirai Project
This project consists of a series of activities that nurture greater awareness of maritime affairs and the seafarダナン カジノg life among Japan’s youth so that they can develop ダナン カジノterest ダナン カジノ the maritime ダナン カジノdustry and consider careers at shippダナン カジノg companies. The project was launched at the end of 2014.

Summer 2018 “Manabi no Fes” Website (Japanese): http://maダナン カジノichimediacafe.jp/manabi-fes/

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.