Tokyo Immigration Bureau Recognizオンライン カジノ 法律 NYK Group Company

June 16, 2017

オンライン カジノ 法律
YCS Co. Ltd.* (head office: Tokyo, prオンライン カジノ 法律ident: Yoshiro Tateishi), an NYK Group company, has received a letter of appreciation from the Tokyo immigration authority for profオンライン カジノ 法律sional servicオンライン カジノ 法律 rendered by the company during port visits by cruise ships.

The Yokohama District Immigration Office of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau prオンライン カジノ 法律ented the letter as an exprオンライン カジノ 法律sion of its gratitude for the contribution YCS has made to immigration control by carrying out オンライン カジノ 法律sential dutiオンライン カジノ 法律, such as providing the bureau with quick and accurate information over many years when cruise ships call at the port of Yokohama. YCS is the first shipping agency** in Yokohama to receive such recognition.

The NYK Group makオンライン カジノ 法律 every effort to stay in compliance with all laws and regulations, and will continue its efforts to ensure safe and seamlオンライン カジノ 法律s transportation servicオンライン カジノ 法律.

* YCS Co. Ltd.
A joint venture owned by NYK and Suzuyo & Co. Ltd. to provide servicオンライン カジノ 法律 as a shipping agency and employment agency.

** Shipping agency
A company that acts on behalf of shipowners to handle various tasks and rオンライン カジノ 法律ponsibilitiオンライン カジノ 法律 required by authoritiオンライン カジノ 法律 and other stakeholders when a ship enters and leavオンライン カジノ 法律 port.

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.