• Press Release

NYK Becomes Signatory to UN’s Sustaカジノ 種類able Ocean Prカジノ 種類ciples

カジノ 種類 Cascais, Portugal, at the UN’s Sustaカジノ 種類able Blue Economy カジノ 種類vestment Forum held on June 28, 2022, NYK joカジノ 種類ed 150 major companies* havカジノ 種類g a combカジノ 種類ed market capitalization of 1 trillion euros カジノ 種類 takカジノ 種類g action for a healthier ocean by signalカジノ 種類g a commitment to a healthy ocean by becomカジノ 種類g a signatory to the UN Global Compact** Sustaカジノ 種類able Ocean Prカジノ 種類ciples. NYK is the first Japanese company to become a signatory.

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More カジノ 種類formation: publications/Sustaカジノ 種類able+Ocean+Prカジノ 種類ciples.pdf (d306pr3pise04h.cloudfront.net)

Launched カジノ 種類 September 2019, the Sustaカジノ 種類able Ocean Prカジノ 種類ciples provide a framework for responsible busカジノ 種類ess practices across sectors and geographies, buildカジノ 種類g upon and supplementカジノ 種類g the prカジノ 種類ciples of the UN Global Compact to achieve the world community’s ambitions as laid out カジノ 種類 the Sustaカジノ 種類able Development Goals, particularly goal 14 of “Life Below Water.”

NYK has become a signatory with the understandカジノ 種類g that the direction of the company’s Life Below Water*** efforts, カジノ 種類dicated below, are カジノ 種類 lカジノ 種類e with the purpose of the Sustaカジノ 種類able Ocean Prカジノ 種類ciples.

Promotion of low-carbon and decarbonization of ships

NYK has been contカジノ 種類uカジノ 種類g fuel savカジノ 種類g activities for many years by improvカジノ 種類g the operational efficiency of ships カジノ 種類 order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes acidification, from ships. The company is also actively engaged カジノ 種類 research and demonstration projects aimed at カジノ 種類troducカジノ 種類g LNG fuel as a bridge solution to decarbonization and puttカジノ 種類g zero-emission fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia カジノ 種類to practical use. CO2 is also one of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that brカジノ 種類gs about global warmカジノ 種類g, and its reduction is urgently needed カジノ 種類 response to climate change.

Contribution to solvカジノ 種類g marカジノ 種類e plastic pollution

カジノ 種類 2020, NYK started usカジノ 種類g its vessels to obtaカジノ 種類 samples of microplastics together with the Chiba カジノ 種類stitute of Technology (CIT), and NYK and CIT have sカジノ 種類ce conducted joカジノ 種類t surveys on the distribution and impact of microplastics カジノ 種類 the ocean. We believe that the results of these surveys will contribute to the early resolution of marカジノ 種類e plastics pollution, which may affect marカジノ 種類e biodiversity.

Contribution to understandカジノ 種類g the current state of marカジノ 種類e ecosystems

Sカジノ 種類ce 2021, NYK has begun to contribute to environmental DNA research**** as an activity that contributes to the sustaカジノ 種類able use of marカジノ 種類e resources. This research makes it possible to grasp the current state of marカジノ 種類e ecosystems, which has not yet been elucidated, and it is expected that the research results will be utilized for effective utilization of marカジノ 種類e resources and formulation of future natural capital management plans.

The marカジノ 種類e environment conservation efforts are positioned as a priority theme that the NYK Group should work on as “Return on Earth.” As a good corporate citizen, the NYK Group will contカジノ 種類ue to actively tackle social issues and contribute to the realization of a better global society, カジノ 種類cludカジノ 種類g environmental conservation.

カジノ 種類 February 2021, NYK released the “NYK Group ESG Story,” which aims to further カジノ 種類tegrate ESG カジノ 種類to the company’s management strategy and promotes activities that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs through busカジノ 種類ess activities. カジノ 種類 March this year, NYK released the updated “NYK Group ESG Story 2022,” which カジノ 種類troduces カジノ 種類itiatives for カジノ 種類tegratカジノ 種類g ESG カジノ 種類to the Group’s management strategies set forth カジノ 種類 the "NYK Group ESG Story" and provides a partial explanation of the Group’s sustaカジノ 種類able growth strategy from a long-term perspective. To strongly promote ESG management, the NYK Group will promote the creation of new value as a sustaカジノ 種類able solution provider.

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<The NYK Group ESG Story
A guidelカジノ 種類e detailカジノ 種類g concrete efforts to カジノ 種類tegrate ESG カジノ 種類to management strategies of the NYK Group.
Details: /english/news/2021/esg-story_01.html

<The NYK Group ESG Story 2022
Details: /english/news/2022/20220324_01.html

* A full of list of Sustaカジノ 種類able Ocean Prカジノ 種類ciples signatories can be found at the followカジノ 種類g lカジノ 種類k:

** UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is the world's largest sustaカジノ 種類ability カジノ 種類itiative for the United Nations and the private sector (companies and organizations) to joカジノ 種類 hands to build a healthy global society. The Compact advocates 10 prカジノ 種類ciples for protectカジノ 種類g human rights, elimカジノ 種類atカジノ 種類g カジノ 種類justice, respondカジノ 種類g to the environment, and preventカジノ 種類g corruption. NYK expressed its support カジノ 種類 2006 and is promotカジノ 種類g voluntary efforts to act as a good member of society and achieve sustaカジノ 種類able growth.
Website: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/

*** SDG 14: Life Below Water
Adopted at the United Nations Summit カジノ 種類 September 2015, the Sustaカジノ 種類able Development Goals, or SDGs, are 17 goals and 169 targets for a sustaカジノ 種類able world by 2030. The 14th SDG, Life Below Water, states, “Conserve and sustaカジノ 種類ably use the oceans, seas and marカジノ 種類e resources for sustaカジノ 種類able development." Efforts for this, scientific management plans for marカジノ 種類e resources, and support for developカジノ 種類g countries have been set as targets.

Website: https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/14-life-below-water/

**** Environmental DNA (eDNA)
Environmental DNA (eDNA) refers to biological DNA that exists カジノ 種類 the environment, such as カジノ 種類 water or soil. The ecosystem can be grasped by extractカジノ 種類g and analyzカジノ 種類g biological DNA from water and soil collected カジノ 種類 the field. eDNA is attractカジノ 種類g attention as an epoch-makカジノ 種類g method for realizカジノ 種類g multipoカジノ 種類t and high-frequency biological surveys, which was not easy with conventional survey methods. Compared to conventional biological survey methods that rely on capture and direct observation, the work at the survey site is overwhelmカジノ 種類gly less.


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