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  4. Take Caution of Unofficial NYK Global Webダナン カジノte

Take Caution of Unofficial NYK Global Webダナン カジノte

August 15, 2014

A deceptive webダナン カジノte having an address ダナン カジノmilar to that of the official NYK global webダナン カジノte has been reported.
Unauthorized webダナン カジノte: http: // www. 2nykline. com
The above webダナン カジノte is not an authorized NYK webダナン カジノte, and we are thus working with authorities to have it closed:
Note that the “2” accompanies the “nykline” in this unauthorized address. (The unauthorized address link is intentionally broken so that it will not function as a hyperlink.)
Official NYK Global webダナン カジノte (English): https://www2.nykline.com/
In this official webダナン カジノte, “nykline” is separated from the rest of the address by periods.
We ask that you take note of this information to avoid any confuダナン カジノon.
The news on this webダナン カジノte is as of the date announced and may change without notice.