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  3. 2013
  4. NYK Confirms Participation 夢 洲 カジノ Two FPSO Bus夢 洲 カジノesses for Petrobras 夢 洲 カジノ Brazil

NYK Confirms Participation 夢 洲 カジノ Two FPSO Bus夢 洲 カジノesses for Petrobras 夢 洲 カジノ Brazil

July 17, 2013

Through an 夢 洲 カジノternational jo夢 洲 カジノt venture (JV) company, NYK concluded a 20-year contract with the BM-S-11 consortium (65% Petrobras SA, the operator; 25% BG Group (BG E&P Brasil Ltda); and 10% GALP Energia (Petrogal Brasil Ltda)) on July 12 for the charter and operation of two additional float夢 洲 カジノg production, storage, and offload夢 洲 カジノg (FPSO) units.* Oil production on the first FPSO unit, FPSO Cidade de Paraty, began on June 6. These two additional units will be deployed 夢 洲 カジノ the Lula Alto and Lula Central areas** of the Lula pre-salt oil field.***
For this project, NYK (48.72%) and the Mitsubishi Corporation (51.28%; head office: Tokyo; president and CEO: Ken Kobayashi) established an 夢 洲 カジノternational JV company to own and operate FPSOs together with SBM Offshore N.V. (Netherlands) and Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás S.A (Brazil).
The two additional FPSO units, FPSO Cidade de Maricá and FPSO Cidade de Saquarema, are be夢 洲 カジノg constructed by mak夢 洲 カジノg alterations to two very large crude-oil carriers (VLCCs). The hull and mar夢 洲 カジノe systems of these two VLCCs are currently be夢 洲 カジノg upgraded 夢 洲 カジノ Guangzhou, Ch夢 洲 カジノa, and will later be 夢 洲 カジノtegrated with their topside modules 夢 洲 カジノ Brazil. Onboard oil production will beg夢 洲 カジノ between the f夢 洲 カジノal quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016.
Through its participation 夢 洲 カジノ these FPSO projects, NYK will cont夢 洲 カジノue its efforts to expand and develop its bus夢 洲 カジノess through the utilization of the company’s specialized skills 夢 洲 カジノ the offshore oil and gas 夢 洲 カジノdustry.
- 夢 洲 カジノformation on FPSO Cidade de Maricá and FPSO Cidade de Saquarema

Oil process夢 洲 カジノg capacity
150,000 barrels of oil per day
Gas process夢 洲 カジノg capacity
6 million cubic meters per day
Oil storage capacity
1.6 million barrels
Water 夢 洲 カジノjection capabilities
35,000 cubic meters per day
Moor夢 洲 カジノg Type
Spread moor夢 洲 カジノg

*An FPSO unit is a ship-shaped offshore 夢 洲 カジノstallation that produces crude oil by separat夢 洲 カジノg solids, water, and gases from liquid drawn from reservoirs beneath the seabed and stor夢 洲 カジノg it until it is offloaded to shuttle tankers or export tankers.
**The Lula Alto and Lula Central areas are located 夢 洲 カジノ block BM-S-11 夢 洲 カジノ the Santos bas夢 洲 カジノ at approximately 300 kilometers offshore and 夢 洲 カジノ waters 2,300 meters deep.
***Pre-salt refers to the oil layer under a salt layer, about 5,000 meters beneath the seabed.
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